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Sweet Wheels
K-Town’s beautiful scenic roads and long sweeping mountain passes is the shit for taking a cruise on a two-wheeled monster taking in the all-round kiefness. I personally enjoy taking a spin around the Hell’s Hoogte pass outside Stellenbosch, and wouldn’t mind dodging those traffic bastards in one of these babies!



The Ecosse Iconoclast is one seriously bad-ass motherfucker! Say it with me everybody: Holy Shit! It’s a 2000cc V motor, it’s a naked bike, and it’s bloody gorgeous, built in the USA by Ecosse who are masters at building niche motorcycles. Yet, at around $44,000 you’ve got to ask yourself whether it’s justifiable. I asked myself, and the answer is hell yes!

Check out the wicked Ecosse web-site here

Via The Cool Hunter

Why Traffic Stops
It’s 7.45, you’re flying towards town on the N1, traffic’s flowing well and it seems like you just might make the office in time. Then suddenly the entire bloody highway comes to total lockdown. 3km/h is all you’re getting, and that knot in your stomach just got tighter. There you sit… Annoyed. But the most annoying thing is the moment it clears up again, there was no apparent cause for it in the first place! Bastards! Well, here’s a simple infograph on what causes this infuriating, all-too-well-known scenario.

mumble, mumblke, bastards, mumble

Via Bits and Pieces

Lego Masterpieces
Think back to when you were but a wee lad; ice cream was your main priority in life and stuffing your mouth full of legos was pretty much the sexiest thing you could do to impress girls. Well, here are some amazing works of art that could have impressed those ladies more than stuffing multi-coloured plastic blocks in your mouth.

Loved those Lego's!

Loved those Lego's!

Via Neatorama

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